Sunday 28 April 2013

Bring us the girl and whipe away the debt.......

As you may have noticed from the title, this post is going to be all about Bioshock, specifically the latest instalment in the series, Bioshock: Infinite.
Stunning views over a flying city, who could ask for more?
However, before we get into the who what when where and why of the game, I'd like to discuss what first got me thinking about this game. The person who sold me it, or rather the conversation I had with him. Now, when I went to the local Asda (for our trans-atlantic readers, Walmart) to pick up my copy, I wasn’t exactly expecting sparkling conversation in the field of game design, I was however hoping for someone with an opinion, and that's exactly what I got.

Before I start analysing this conversation let me tell you how it went down. I pick up my empty box, bring it to the counter and hand it to the sales rep who immediately puts the box down, turns around and goes rummaging through his draw for a brand new copy of the game. At this point, I'm starting to feel a bit awkward, as not a word has been exchanged. I try to start up a conversation with one of my impromptu conversation starters, "So, is it any good?".

I was treated to a barrage of opinion, something I would usually welcome with open arms, however, this opinion was typical gamer, the mechanics suck, the guns don’t look different when you upgrade them, Vigour’s aren’t as good, blah blah blah blah. Sentence after sentence of meaningless drivel about how the mechanics spoil the game.

"Burden not Columbia with you chaff" Seems a bit
elitist to me...
Although everyone is entitled to their own opinion, this guy's opinion seemed immediately elitist. I could practically hear him in my mind, "A game is not a game if its mechanics don’t support it". A respectable view, sure, in fact there have been many games that flourish on their mechanics alone, the first portal game, for example. However, if we don’t explore the aspect of storytelling through the medium of game, then how can we really claim to progress as an industry.

If we are going to explore story through this wonderful arena, Bioshock: Infinity is probably one of the best places to start. If story could be attributed a quantitive mass, this game would have it in spades.
The ubiquitous Lutece twins, possibly my favorite
 characters in the game 
Irrational games, whom I shall be forever dubbing the masters of mindf***, start you off in a boat, on your way to a lighthouse. Sound familiar? It should do, the original Bioshock started the same way, however this time, you're paired up with two rather interesting individuals, who bicker consistently and rather creepily for the entire ride to the lighthouse. Every five minutes or so, as you explore the area, you find, or are told the phrase "Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt". All your exploration will brings you to the top of the lighthouse, where, you board a rocket, not unlike the great glass elevator from charley and the chocolate factory, and for lack of a better phrase, hit up and out!

Make of it as you will, but this sets the tone for the rest of the game, now, I don’t have any strong opinions on the story as of yet, however, all I know is that this is an excellent game.
I shall write a more comprehensive view of the Bioshock: Infinity story in a later post, but for now, share your opinions in the comments!


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